Father Name Correction In Birth Certificate – Change Name in Birth Certificate

Father Name Correction In Birth Certificate: A birth certificate is a very important legal document. It is necessary that all the information that is given in the certificate should be accurate, and there shouldn’t be anything wrong or misspelled in the certificate. If you want to correct your father’s name on your birth certificate, please read this article carefully. In this article, we are going to share the full procedure for Father Name Correction In Birth Certificate.

Changing your father’s name is a lengthy process; if you wish to do so by sitting at home, please contact us, and one of our experienced agents will assist you to do so.

Birth certificate is considered the first legal document in the life of an individual that the Municipal Corporation issues, and it consists of all the important details of the individual, like name, address, time of birth, parents’ information, etc. 

An individual can make changes to their birth certificate as the government has made the process very easy for everyone. This article will help everyone to understand how to make a father name correction on the birth certificate.

What is a birth certificate?

A birth certificate is a legal document issued by the government that makes it possible for individuals to obtain many perks from the government. It is a permanent record that is registered with the government for the existence of a particular individual. If a person doesn’t have a birth certificate, the government of India can deny their existence. According to the law, it is compulsory that within 21 days, the newborn should be registered, and it is the duty of the hospital where they are born; if a child is born at home or somewhere else, then it would be the duty of the head of the family to make them registered. 

Documents necessary for father name correction in birth certificate

The documents that are necessary for father name correction in birth certificate are mentioned below:-

  • ID-proof: for identity proof, an individual can choose a driver’s license, passport, voter ID, AADHAR card, ration card, etc. That will work as an identity proof for a person.
  • Address proof: for address proof, the individual can take reference from the above documents and also from other legal documents issued by the government.
  • One passport-size photo
  • The application form will mention the new name, the old name, and the reason for making corrections to the birth certificate.

Benefits of Birth Certificate

A birth certificate is one of the most important documents in the life of an individual and has very much superiority. Thus, father name correction in birth certificate is also crucial if there is any mistake.

  • It helps a student in their school admission.
  • It also works as the proof of age of employment for people
  • It also verifies the person’s age of marriage
  • It also helps a person for electoral polls
  • For providing an individual with insurance purpose
  • A birth certificate also helps to register an individual in the national population.

Significance of a Birth certificate

  • A birth certificate comes in handy when a student is admitted to school or college.
  • To acquire insurance policies, a birth certificate helps to verify the age of the person.
  • A birth certificate also comes for immigration purposes. 

Without a Birth certificate, an Indian citizen won’t be considered alive, and they cannot avail of the perks of all the government’s benefits. 

Types of Birth Certificate Correction in India

There are different mistakes rectified by the Government of India, and some of them are mentioned below:-

  • Correcting the first, middle, last name, or the date of birth of the individual
  • If a person has made errors in their spelling on their birth certificate, then they can rectify it, and there are three ways to rectify it.
  • If a person has to urgently rectify their mistake in the birth certificate, they contact the Indian Consulate. They will take care of everything from paperwork and documents, but this is only applicable to Indian citizens.
  • If the above two options don’t work, the individual can contact the health department, and they could help in correcting the mistake of your birth certificate.
  • If someone doesn’t live in a state that doesn’t have an embassy, they can make corrections to their birth certificate by going to the municipality. 

Reasons for father name correction in birth certificate

The various reasons that can be the cause for the father name correction in birth certificate are:

  • It might be due to the change of religion of the father
  • Divorce can also be a cause for name-changing
  • The person is not satisfied with their name and wants to try today’s generation’s name
  • It might be due to numerological or astrological reasons
  • The name has been printed wrong in the first place on the certificate
  • The child may be adopted, so that is why it might be required to change the father’s name on the certificate
  • The father name correction in birth certificate can be because of gender change or spelling errors.

Spelling correction in Birth Certificate

Following are the reasons for father name correction in birth certificate due to spelling errors:-

  • Sometimes, due to the carelessness of an individual, there arises a spelling mistake in their name, and to correct it by the steps that are mentioned in the further article.
  • For correcting spelling mistakes, the department will asked to submit all the important documents from the individual.
  • If someone cannot provide the main documents for identification, like an AADHAR card, PAN card, etc, they have to submit some kind of identity to prove their identity.

So, above are all the different types of errors that are rectified by the Indian Government 

Hire agents for father name correction in Birth Certificate

Many people find father name correction in birth certificate procedures complicated and cannot do it by themselves as they don’t have that much knowledge, and it is better to hire professionals than to make mistakes and suffer for the rest of your lives.

It is very easy to hire these professionals and has many benefits:-

  • Simple and easy booking process: It is very easy to hire professionals online by searching agents for birth certificate correction. You will find many references for many agencies, and you can choose according to your preference and check the reviews, then make your choice.
  • Fast service: Find such agents who will give fast service and do your work on time. 
  • Affordable price: You should find such agents that won’t charge you much, and the prices should be according to your. There are many agents you will find online with different prices, so choose according to your budget. It is not like the agents who have higher prices are best; agents with minimal prices are also good at their job.
  • Quick response: The agents will remove the headache from you, and you just have to provide them with documents asked by them. They are professionals and know what they are doing, so you don’t have to worry; as soon as you provide them with documents, they will correct your birth certificate in that time.

From the above, we hope that you are clear about how and what type of agents you should hire. Just beware that there won’t be any need for original documents, so provide the agents with a photocopy of every document and ask them for a copy of everything they will submit for future reference. 

Information that is given in the birth certificate

  • The full name of the individual 
  • The date of birth of the person
  • Time and date of birth
  • Name of parents
  • And lastly, the sex of the person

Procedure for father name correction in birth certificate

There are two types of processes to make changes in the father’s name on the birth certificate: online and offline. Below, you will find the procedure for both modes.

Offline procedure for father name correction in birth certificate

  • A particular individual has to look out for mistakes that are made in the certificate
  • If a person has to make changes in the birth certificate offline, they can visit the government office that issues the certificate. With that, the individual should have all the documents, like IDs, that will verify the particular person’s details.
  • Another method for offline procedure is that the person can visit the notary office and talk to the authorities and provide them with all the documents with the application that will be provided by them only. 

Online procedure for father name correction in the birth certificate

If an individual can make corrections to their birth certificate, then they only have to follow some easy steps:-

1. Send an application to the authorities who issue the certificate

First, an individual should write an application to the registrar of the municipal corporation, and on the application, the applicant should mention their father’s old name with his new name and the reason for making changes in their name.

2. Submit the documents that are requested by the authority

With the application that has been mentioned above, an individual has to submit all the documents that are mentioned above in the article, and these documents will include the notarized affidavit. 

3. Undergo the verification age.

After the individual has completed all the steps mentioned above, the registrar will accept your plea or reject it. If the registrar has accepted your application, then it is no problem. Still, if they reject your application, then the individual should write to the High Court telling them everything about your rejection and request them to ask the reason from the registrar for rejecting the application.

4. Affidavit for father’s name change

The affidavit that has been mentioned in the first step should be authorized by the notary office, and an individual can obtain this application from the official website. In this form, the applicant should mention their father’s new name, old name, and the reason for their name change. 

5. Publish the name in the newspaper.

Once the applicant has completed all the steps and if their application is verified, then they will need to publish two articles in two different newspapers about their father’s name correction in birth certificate. The first article will be published in the regional language of the person, and the other article will be published in an English newspaper.

6. Publication in the official Gazette

This is the final step of the changing process. For an individual to legally know to the world that their father’s name has been changed or made corrections in his name, then the applicant has to publish in the Official Gazette Of India. This application should consist of the following documents:

  • Three copies of the documents that are needed
  • Copy of the affidavit
  • Photocopy of the articles that are published in the newspaper
  • Demand draft of the deed
  • Passport-size photos
  • The content that is to be published. 

This ends the process of father name correction in birth certificate, and for the offline procedure, the applicant is required to publish the articles in the newspaper and the Gazette. 

Important points to keep in while making the father’s name correction in the birth certificate

  • The process of making changes in the birth certificate verifies from state to state, so the applicant should pay attention to their state’s guidelines only and not read another guideline, as it can reject your application.
  • The applicant has to pay a certain amount of fee for making changes to the birth certificate.
  • The applicant should maintain a copy of all the articles, documents, applications, etc., they submit as it can be asked from the applicant as proof at any time.
  • If a person needs a copy of their certificate, they can contact the registrar and get the newly amended copy with a small amount to pay. 

We hope that this article might be useful to everyone whose father’s name has been wrongly printed and who wants to make changes to their certificate. The applicant should remember one thing in mind: they can make changes to their birth certificate only once time, so they should be very careful and make all the corrections in their certificate at once if required. After one correction, if there is some mistake in your birth certificate, you will be stuck with it, and there will be no hope for you. 

Read More:- Apply For Name Change in Birth Certificate in India Rs 999

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I change my name on the birth certificate in Chennai?

Ans. The process is not different in Chennai; as mentioned above, the applicant just has to follow the steps and read the instructions that are issued by the registrar of Chennai, contact them, and make corrections to the birth certificate. 

Is issuing an affidavit necessary for making corrections to the birth certificate?

Ans. Yes, it is very important if a person wants to make changes in their birth certificate, they have to issue an affidavit as it contains all the necessary information that is needed for making corrections.

Is it possible that a parent can change the name of the minor on their birth certificate?

Ans. Yes, a parent can change the name of minors in India

What is the eligibility of the changing process in the birth certificate?

Ans. The applicant should be an Indian citizen, the applicant should have a legal government ID, the applicant should have a good reason for name changing or making corrections in their birth certificate, and if a minor’s name change has to be done, then they must be accompanied by their parents. These are all points that are needed for the process of correcting the birth certificate.

Who can submit a name change request to the authorities?

Ans. A husband, wife, any family member, and the person who has attained the age of 18 can request a name change on the birth certificate.

Can a person have two birth certificates?

Ans. A person cannot have more than two birth certificates with two different dates as a person has only one date of birth and one name, and they cannot have two different date certificates. 

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